> BEFORE USE > Check the charging status

Check the charging status

3X22_18-03 + Push ButtonB_R

Push and release Button B

When Button B is pushed and released, the seconds hand moves, allowing you to check the energy level.

We recommend that you check the “energy level” on a regular basis to ensure that the watch does not do into a low energy state.

GPS signal reception requires a lot of energy. Keep in mind to regularly charge the watch by expose to light.About charging

maru Reception is allowed

Seconds hand display

Charging status


3X22_Indicator charging status-1


Reception is allowed.
Use the watch as it is.
Basic operation flow

3X22_Indicator charging status-2


Reception is allowed, but keep in mind to charge the watch.
Basic operation flow


batsu Reception is not allowed

Seconds hand display

Charging status


3X22_Indicator charging status-3


The watch is unable to receive GPS signals, but has energy to operate.

To enable reception, charge the watch until the energy level is at least “middle”.


The movement of the seconds hand

Charging status


2-second interval movement


The energy level is in a very “low” state.

If the energy depletion forewarning function is activated, the “charging status” cannot be displayed.

To keep the watch operating and also enable reception, continue charging the watch until the energy level is at least “middle”.

5-second interval movement
