In the memorable first Masked Rider, Takeshi Hongo is captured by the evil secret society “Shocker,” which plans to take over the world, and undergoes remodeling surgery to become a warrior for the organization. However, Hongo escapes just before his brain is remodeled and decides to fight as Masked Rider 1 to protect the world from Shocker. Together with Masked Rider 2, Hayato Ichimonji, who has also undergone remodeling surgery, they fight the monsters of Shocker and Gel Shocker. Thus began the long-running battle between the "Masked Riders" and the "Evil Organization.”
To create the collaboration model, the design of the original watch worn by Hongo has been upgraded with modern technology and materials, along with design cues that reference the Masked Rider 1.
The dial of the new collaboration features a color and a pattern inspired by the helmet of Masked Rider 1.
The lining of the calf strap evokes the red scarf that is the trademark of Masked Rider 1.
The glass case back features the Tachibana Racing logo, which is also used in the design of the motorcycle and belt in the film. The case back is also marked with "Limited Edition" and the serial number.
*Item may differ in appearance from the image shown.
To commemorate the collaboration, the watch is enclosed in a specially designed box with overlapping acrylic plates that indicate the watch's specifications.